Tower Piece, Miami

print on gitter ultramesh
57′-5“ / 60′-6“ feet

11 11 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach Florida

Foto: Serge Hasenböhler
Video: Renate Buser, Walter Chung

The building has two identical sides, one reflecting the other. This symmetry will be visualized by putting two monumental photographs of the façade of the building on each side of the north west tower. The idea is to open up the solidity of the building, to split it in half, with two photographic images and make it transparent. This will create tension between the photographed spaces and the real space around it, between illusion and reality, and between the inside and the outside. When driving by in a car on Alton Road, the relation between photographed and real perspectives will constantly change. Therefore the installation will be seen best in movement.